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Categories: 苏梅椰子
Samui Coconut Organic Virgin Coconut Oil 100ml.
Satira has sought after the best source of organic virgin coconut oil all over the country. We found that the purest and most beneficial virgin coconut oil comes from a traditional cold pressing method that pass on generation after generation of Koh Samui farmer rather than the modernized and industrial
Categories: 苏梅椰子
从精选优质椰子的新鲜椰子肉中提取的初榨椰子油。无需加热和化学品即可提取油。富含维生素E和抗氧化特性。帮助滋养肌肤,使其光滑、柔软、看起来更年轻 持续使用定期按摩可使头发健康并保持头皮健康。
Categories: 苏梅椰子
身体去角质磨砂膏,质地柔软,富含椰子的天然提取物。芦荟 和来自苏梅岛的冷榨初榨椰子油, 有助于滋养肌肤,使其光滑、柔软和滋润。非常适合干燥、粗糙的皮肤或长期暴露在阳光下的皮肤。 荷荷巴籽磨砂膏可去除死皮细胞。展现新的光滑肌肤。