Sesame is known for its great nourishing benefits. Thai women use it as essential part of their beauty regime. This herbal compress contains natural black sesame with a mix of Thai herbs. Rich amino acid, calcium, vitamin and antioxidant in sesame moisturizes and nourishes skin. Pueraria provides phytoestrogen which helps enhance skin rejuvenation. Apply gentel strokes to massage. It is great for lifting effect, moisturizing and lymphatic drainage massage.
Usage: Wrap compress ball with cloth in the set and tie with string. Soak in warm water for 15 minutes and gently massage to let water absorbs. Steam 15-20 minutes in steamer or wrap with cling film and use microwave at medium heat 2 minutes to warm the compress. Tes the heat on your writst before quickly tapping on forehead a few times to let the skin prepare for the heat. Slowly and gently massage onto face in upward motion from the middle towards the side of the face and repeat in upward direction. Reheat and repeat the massage from under the chin down to collar bone to drain toxins to lyphatic gland.